It is tradition in the Neeley household to have some sort of celebration for your birthday. Since I will be "only god knows where" on September 27, my mother had asked what I would like to do for my birthday. Since we have three family members with the 9/27 birthday I suggested we have a little early celebration for all the Libra's. Pictures in this case will Speak louder than words........................
A big THANK YOU to all who have participated in this years Birthday celebration, may it be making Cd's, coming to the family gathering, mace, knifes, survival kits, birthday cards, gas cards, money or just well wishes...they were all great, and makes me realize what GREAT friends and family I do have! No worries though, there was a miracle that happened on these birthday celebrations. The whole family was ready to continue the celebration at the local bar. I knew that I had to get up early so I reluctantly went after much persuasion. I owed it to all those to go out even if I didn't want to, and guess what....I ordered Water.....yep you heard me....H2O...I even turned down a free shot...Oh my goodness, I think Katie is growing up! MAYBE...TBA
The only sad part about my visit home was having to say what will probably be my good byes to a great cat named DC. My mother had called me a couple of weeks to give me the news that our cat DC has a tumor, and the vet feels that it can not be operated on. A little history about DC. She was born 17 years ago on the day that I left for my 6th grade Washington DC trip hence the name DC. She has been a great pet and my mom loves her like a child. Before I was to leave I spent some time with her and it is amazing how emotional I became knowing that this cat is facing death. She is a living, breathing soul, and it truly broke my heart. Here is my paragraph to celebrate DC's life....
Next destination, Dayton OH Peace and Love ~KT~
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