So where do I start this blog? I guess I need to give you a little history.. Approxamitly 4 years ago I moved into what is known as a "crashpad" by people in the airline industry in a city called East Point in the Atlanta perimeter. A "crashpad" for those of you that are not in the airline industry is a house that is rented out to flight atttendants and sometimes pilots. They normally have anywhere from 1-4 bunk beds in a 2/3 bedroom house. The idea being that you pay anywhere from $150-$300 a month and you have a place to stay before trips, inbetween trips when there was not enough time to fly to your "real" home, or when you could not make your commuting flight home. A "crash pad" lets you feel like your not always living out of a hotel, and gives you such ammentities as a kitchen. See the thing is, I kinda turned mine into my full time home. I seemed to be there more often than others, so I decided to get to know the neighbors. I don't remember exactly how it happened but I went over one day and knocked on the neighbors door and introduced myself. I met what I now know to be the "cool ass married couple" named Stacy and Tracy. Yeah I know what you are thinking......It was really hard in the beginning to remember which one was Stacy, and which one was Tracy especially for someone like me that forgets names so easily! From there on out I seemed to build a relationship with this couple that reminds me of a family away from my family. Sometimes people forget how hard it is to be in the airline industry and be so far away from home and on the road all the time. They, Stacy and Tracy introduced me to some "cool ass" art, food, drinks, wine and also some front porch fun on Linwood Ave! I introduced Stacy to jager bombs (in which I was sent home early that night by Tracy) They were even nice enough this past Feburuary to go and pick up prescriptions for me when I left a voicemail in which Tracy said "I sounded like I was dying or in trouble." All I needed was someone to go and pick up prescriptions for me since I was not able to make it out of bed. There was even some freshed squeezed orange juice and chicken noodle soup outside my door. When your momma is 8 hours away in West Virginia, it sure is nice to know that you have people like this to count on! So this is the part that I get to the Mystic Fish. Over the years of getting to know Stacy and Tracy I have learned that they are from Mobile, AL originally. I also learned that they were involved in a group known as the Mystic Fish and it had something to do with Mardi Gras. I had said for the past 3 years that I was going to make it to Mobile and see what this Mardi Gras was all about. This year I finally scheduled my vacation around Mardi Gras, recived my invitation from the Mystic Fish, made no excuses and planned a solo road trip to Mobile, AL.
I learned that Mobile was the "Original Mardi Gras". As stated on the website Most people associate Mardi Gras in the US with the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. It is true that New Orleans hosts the largest and most popular Mardi Gras, but they were not the first to celebrate the Carnival season. That honor goes to their smaller neighbor to the east: Mobile, Alabama. Mobile hosted its first Mardi Gras celebration in 1703, long before New Orleans.
This was my first expierence with any Mardi Gras ever, and man it was awesome! The first day when I arrived there were already tents put up for the dinner feast we were going to have that evening! My first shrimp broil! And I tried crawfish for the first time! We called them craw daddy's where I am from and I used to catch them with my best friend Chad. When I say catch, I meant that I lifted the rock, and if we saw one, I would take off running while the boys tried to put them into an old drywall bucket! But down south they are a delicacy!
My first crawfish! |
There was a liquor bar with just about anything you wanted! Although the rain and storms moved in the first evening it sure didn't ruin our Mystic Fish Party! I was able to meet some "cool ass" people from all over the country and I have to admit I was looking forward to the next day when the "peoples parade" would take place! I was even given a look at some of the floats that were going to be in parades that I was going to miss, and man they were cool! From what I learned this is a year long process and they get started on next years float right after Mardi Gras is over. They hire professional people to make the floats and all! Who actually gets to say when they are little "When I grow up I want to make floats??" This was no St. Albans, WV parade that is for sure!!!
Theme "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" |
The next day consisted of some more Delicious food and some tailgating before the parade! Lots of tailgating before the parade. Up to this point I was still a little confused as to what was taking place.. What were the Mystic Fish and what were they going to do in the parade? The only expierence that I had with parades was when my Brownie troop dressed up in our local Christmas Parade. That is a whole other blog since I was dressed as a Christmas present (made out of a cardboard box) and I kept tripping over it and falling during the parade..Needless to say that parade could not have been over fast enough...
When the "Mystic Fish" were ready to leave and head to the parade everyone got dressed, and the energy was high!
When the "Mystic Fish" were ready to leave and head to the parade everyone got dressed, and the energy was high!
Before the Mystic Fish and the group of about 75 people headed out for the 1/2 mile walk to the parade a 5 person band showed up. This" ain't" no parade without some music ( and yes I know I used a double negitive) What I learned from Tracy, this is a group of college guys that make money every year playing for the Mystic Fish.. I have to admit, the music was GREAT!! A littel southern stlye jazz/blues. Exactly what I would expect for a Mardi Gras parade!
The time was now.... It was time to head to the People's Parade. The band led the Mystic Fish followed by Mr. Hartley
It was a blast to walk to the parade following the Mystic Fish. I still was unsure if we were the parade, or what exactly was going to happen. And then we came upopn the main parade. There were thousands of people watching and collecting beads, candy and moon pies! The Mystic Fish have some special powers I tell ya. Once they came upon the parade route the gates were opened just for them to get onto the parade route! They get to dance and party like it 1999 for a good 15 minutes! It was a site to see, and peolpe standing along the parade route loved it!
The whole parade was an experience in itself. We headed back to the house, drank, ate some more food, and socialized throughout the night. When the kids decided to put on a parade for the adults, it was a highlight! I think we may have some Mystic Fish in training!
I can not say enough about my exposure to this Southern tradition. It was an honor to be invited and be surrounded by all these "cool ass people" that called tehmselves the Mystic Fish. The food was to die for, the drinks delightful, and the company as warm and welcoming as you would expect from the South. It's hard not to get into the spirit of Mardi Gras, even the statues do!!
It was a weekend to remember!!!
til next time, peace and love ~KT~
Sounds like quite an awesome experience!!!!